If you look in the mirror, can you see yourself inside?
Xoga is a show to discover who you are and what you are made of. A didactic meeting that combines scenic, audiovisual, music and dance space. Fun, togetherness and spectacle.
A journey from imagination to knowledge.
Like stone they are hard
a great delicacy for the dog
and without them you could not, nor jump
nor walk.
(The bones)
It is a dance show, with didactic content about the functioning of our body, aimed at family audiences and, especially, at children over 3 years old. It has Didactic Guides to carry out School Campaigns, aimed at working on the functioning of the body in a dynamic and fun way with students of Early Childhood Education and 1st and 2nd Cycle of Primary Education. The show has Aid for Stage Production from the AGADIC (Xunta de Galicia) and was part of the program of Technical Residencies of the Teatro Colón in 2015.